Elementor #274

Develope your inner richness.
Enjoy the beauty of our earth and respect the nature with its different ways. To be satisfied inside ourselves that we a r e, that we got the life to live and are valuable without doing anything more, just what we need for surviving.

To live locally, to feel well where we are, take care of the flock wich is around us – we belong to the flock and flock belongs to us – thereĀ“s no need to valuate someone, just know that all contribute by being, and all are destroying by being as well.

To dispel the fear of unknown. To not to have fear of this which is not killing us, instead see this as a possiblity of developement. To consume so little as possible of this what costs so much for the earth, consume so little as possible of that and think that this is fun to play this game.

To understand that love is not the feeling, love is not something one gets from outside to be satisfied… Love is state on earth and it is endless, but to drag love into the feeling is needed inner satisfaction in oneself. If you are satisfied in yourself, you become like a sponge which sucks in love, and love cannot stay in you – it will be spread out to everything and everyone around you.

To crash the mythos that money makes us richer, to realise that growth is a thinking mistake – we are fooled into a squirrel wheel there we run faster and faster becuase we believe we become more happy when we own more. This is a lie.

Safety is richness and safety is there when our life is not in danger.